Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Judge Perry's Ruling Unfair to Craton and Chiropractic

Words can’t describe my sadness over Judge Perry’s ruling to shut down my daughter, Tammy Kennedy’s business, where she worked to keep my father, the late Dr. Earl Craton’s own research and work alive. He feared his work would die with him, and certified Tammy to carry it on.

Why does Judge Perry and the chiropractors think they should have the power to tell the world it can’t have new health fields?

Only 109 years ago, D.D. Palmer discovered chiropractic. B.J. Palmer, his son, popularized it after his father’s death. Chiropractic started in 1895. Oklahoma chiropractors weren’t licensed until Feb. 21, 1921, 26 years after it started. Before that, Oklahoma chiropractors practiced with only certificates.

Chiropractic overlaps osteopathy. But, chiropractors don’t want another new field developed! To stop it, they tried to discredit my father’s finding, (after he was two years in his grave and could not defend himself), calling them old and dangerous chiropractic techniques, implying he took them from someone else, which is absolutely not true! The chiropractors are either too uneducated to know the difference, or have malicious intent to stop Tammy.

Dr. Craton observed from genuine human bones (not replicas) there were four facets on the top of the atlas, instead of two like the anatomy books list. Basing his technique on this fact, he developed his own method of adjusting. He observed hog bones, and participated in human dissections to verify his way of adjustment, which was directly opposed to what he was taught in chiropractic school. His own findings were not taught in chiropractic colleges, where chiropractors could legitimately claim it.

Daddy would be crushed if he knew chiropractors held the dagger to try to destroy his contribution to the world! We’re appealing Judge Perry’s ruling!

Yvonne (Craton) Kennedy



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